Overview of Course Introductory Session Family and Values Individual Counseling 1 Individual Counseling 2 Individual Counseling 3 Groups Credits |
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![]() II. Challenge Reports Process Questions:
Back To Outline III. Warm Up - Initial Identity Ask each participant to think of a word that describes them presently or describes the way they would like to be that starts with the same letter as their first name. (It’s O.K. to brag). The leader starts by announcing her description and first name. The person to the left then says the leader’s description and name and adds her own. This continues around the circle until everyone’s description and name is in the chain. It goes around the circle again until everyone has had a chance to repeat the entire chain Back To Outline IV. Diversity Lecture and Discussion Before starting the activities, stress the following points:
V. & VII. Diversity Activities A. Guided Visualisation From Youth Reaching Youth Lead the group through an exercise to recall the first time they discovered that not all people were like them. Ask everyone to relax and get comfortable and to close their eyes. Tell them to think back to when they were 4, 5, or 6 or perhaps a little older. Where did they live? Who were their friends? Who were their family’s friends? Ask everyone to try to remember the first time they met someone who was clearly different from them. This could be a person of a different race, a different religion, someone who did not speak their language or someone with a physical disability, etc. Come forward in time until you can remember an encounter. How old were they? How did they react? What was the situation? How did their family respond? What were their feelings at the time? Give everyone a chance to think about these questions and then ask the group to open their eyes and come back together as a group. Discussion
Back To Outline B. Find Someone Who . . . Stress that even though a group may look fairly similar, one of the differences will be in what people know about diversity. This exercise will show us some of the things people know and perhaps some areas where no-one has experience or knowledge. Give each member a copy of the "Find Someone Who" form and ask them to move about the room asking one question at a time to each person. If the person fits the category put his or her name or initials by that item. Do not ask anyone a second question until you have asked each person one thing. Discussion. Look at items that were easy to complete and those which only one or two people (or perhaps no-one) could complete. Has values about race that are different than their family of origin’s values Knows someone with a physical disability Knows someone who is African American Has felt put down because of gender Has felt put down because of age Speaks a foreign language Knows someone who is HIV positive or has AIDS Knows someone who is Native American Has attended a celebration in a culture different from their own Is French Knows someone who is mentally retarded Has eaten Indian food Knows a Latino or Latina Has a family member with a disability Knows someone who is gay, lesbian or bisexual Knows someone who is Asian-American Has had training in cultural diversity or cultural competence Back To Outline C. Diversity Definitions Prepare index cards with a term relating to diversity on one card and its definition on another. Divide the cards into three sets: general terms; terms related to racial diversity and terms related to sexual diversity. Definitions can be found at Diversity Dictionary, a service of the University of Maryland. Count off by 3’s to divide the group into three small groups. Explain that each group is going to become the experts on one aspect of diversity: general terms; race and ethnic terms; and sexuality and gender terms. Each group gets a set of cards with terms and definitions. Working as a group they have to match each term with its definition. When they have completed the task, each person gets a full set of terms and definitions to check their answers. When all groups are finished, each person selects one term to report back to the large group. The report could include something they know about the term from another source, a personal experience they have had with the term, a friend or family member’s experience, etc. Back To Outline D. Specific Cultural Issues Divide into four groups based on interest in the following articles: Our Shining Black Prince Eulogy delivered by Ossie Davis at the funeral of Malcolm X Re-examining the Model Minority Myth: A Look at Southeast Asian Youth Latino or Hispanic: What's in a name? Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality by Wilmer Stampede Mesteth, Darrell Standing Elk and Phyllis Swift Hawk Each group reads and discusses the issue presented in the hand out and reports a summary back to the large group. These handouts are chosen to present controversial issues and stimulate thought and discussion. Back To Outline E. Culture Interview Each person chooses a partner and they interview each other using the questions on the Culture Interview Sheet. Debrief in terms of what did you discover about yourself, about the other person? Was it easier to do the interviewing/be interviewed than it was in the last class? Tell me about your cultural background. What positive influences has your cultural background had on you? What negative influences has your cultural background had on you? How has your cultural background influenced your view of other cultures? What culture would you most like to learn more about and why? Back To Outline Have each person complete a self assessment of their knowledge about and attitudes toward cultural diversity. The questions from the Find Someone Who activity can be answered by each individual. Follow with group discussion of the questions. Back To Outline VII. Assign Challenge Challenge: Have a conversation with someone different from you in terms of race, ethnic background, sexual orientation, physical or mental challenges, or age (if you choose age, make sure the difference is large enough that the person is likely to have a different perspective than you). From this conversation learn one way this "difference" has affected the person's life. Report on: What I did: How I felt: What I learned: Back To Outline |