Extensive links to youthwork resources and programs - Mainly in the UK
Acts as the central focus for youth work in England |
Works on a national level to implement positive change for Black children, young people and our communities in order to eliminate racism |
The largest nationally registered youth work charity in the UK. UK Youth exists to support and develop high quality work and educational opportunities for all young people
The Centre is a resource and information point for all people working in and alongside residential child care services in Scotland, including staff, managers, young people, parents, elected members, policy makers, trainers, researchers and the media |
Representative body for young people aged 16-25 in the UK. An independent charity , run for and by young people it represents their views to central and local government, political parties, pressure groups and the media |
The Wales Youth Agency was established by the Secretary of State for Wales on April 1 1992 as a Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) to support the development of services to young people throughout Wales |
Our mission is to help young people regardless of gender, race, ability, age or faith |
Supports and promotes the work and collective aspirations of voluntary youth organisations in Scotland in the interests of young people |
The key aim of all our work is to give young people, whatever their starting point, the skills and information they need to make constructive decisions, and plan and manage their own activities and projects |
An initiative, which brings together the various parts of the Northern Ireland Youth Sector, in a creative partnership to promote change and development
The Foyer Federation in Wales |
The Youth Council for Northern Ireland’s mission is to be the lead advisory body dedicated to influencing and advancing the quality of life for children and young people in Northern Ireland
Contains several pages of information of interest to counsellors, students and trainees, and clients
Provides a collective voice for specialist, independently managed, local organisations in England that promote, support, organise and co-ordinate volunteering opportunities specifically for young people
NCB works to identify and promote the well-being and interests of all children and young people across every aspect of their lives. It encourages professionals and policymakers to see the needs of the whole child and emphasises the importance of multidisciplinary, cross-agency partnerships
The Spirit of Enniskillen programme encourages young people to broaden their horizons by travelling to other countries - also experiencing community divisions - where they gain first hand experience of how people from different backgrounds are learning to live together
A national charity working to improve public care for around 60,000 children and young people who are separated from their families and living in residential or foster care
A place for young people in Wales to have their say on matters which affect their lives
A voluntary youth organisation which works to enable young people to achieve their full potential by providing services, information, training and support to community groups, youth groups, young people, their trainers and workers
Aimed primarily at youthworkers from the UK & Ireland and those in related professions youthworker.uk.net welcomes anyone with a contribution to make that aims to forward the interests of young people
The leading charity helping homeless and socially excluded young people to rebuild their lives
Exists to identify and respond to the needs of young people by using informal, but essentially educational programmes that contribute to their lifelong learning
The largest non-uniformed voluntary youth organisation in Scotland. Working through a network of local Area Associations across Scotland, we offer those involved in youth work a range of information, training and support
Addresses key issues relating to how we support and challenge our teenagers