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youthwork links and ideas maine

moose Maine Schools Links to information about Maine Schools from the Department of Education
mooseMARINER Gateway to the University of Maine system libraries
mooseInstitute for Global Ethics: Ethics in Education Program The Institute actively works with schools, state departments of education, and educational organizations. The Institute has also developed curricular materials for use in middle and high schools
mooseJobs For Maine's Graduates, Inc. Provides school-based drop-out prevention and school-to-work transition services for Maine's "at-risk" school population in grades 7-13
mooseThe Community School The Community School teaches using one-to-one tutoring, small seminars, vocational training, guided life-experience, and experiential courses. Each student follows an Individual Graduation Plan which includes course requirements as well as special courses to meet his/her own specific needs. Students are treated with respect, and have a voice which is both listened to and understood
mooseThe R.E.A.L. School The REAL School is an alternative education day program for students experiencing severe behavioral and/or emotional problems in mainstreams school, or who risk'dropping out'
mooseMaine Family Literacy Initiative A multi-year project to develop and expand small family literacy programs throughout Maine. The family literacy programs provide services to family units by addressing adult literacy, literacy or pre-literacy for children, parenting activities and support, and intergenerational literacy activities
mooseThe Maine: Education Links to a wide variety of Maine education resources
mooseTechPrep A sequence of rigorous academic and vocational courses providing an educational foundation leading to an associate degree at a Maine Community College

Other Maine Youthwork Pages:

community residential funding support training statistics social services education prevention mhsa
maine home ylai


