Offers practical support for media education in the home, school and community and provides Canadians and others with information and "food for thought" on our fast-evolving media culture
Television advertising for alcohol, and youth exposure to that advertising, grew substantially in 2002 from 2001, indicating the alcohol industry may need to significantly change its advertising practices in order to comply with the revised voluntary advertising codes announced in September 2003
, Jon Katz, Wired Magazine
A biannual online resource for educators and others interested in children, adolescents, and media
AMLA's goal is to help all people to be able to critically analyze and create messages using the wide variety of technological tools now available in and out of school
Committed to promoting media literacy education focused on critical inquiry, learning, skill-building and hands-on production for and by youth
On this site you will find a variety of information sources and research that explain how the media has a negative influence. You will also learn how to get active and create change in your community
Information on media inflences on drug use from the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy
Seeks to reduce the amount of alcoholic-beverage advertising to underage children and young adults, who tune into televised sports for fun
Presents the findings of a series of usability studies to determine how website designs can better cater to teenagers
Monitors the marketing practices of the alcohol industry to focus attention and action on industry practices that jeopardize the health and safety of America's youth. Reducing high rates of underage alcohol consumption and the suffering caused by alcohol-related injuries and deaths among young people requires using the public health strategies of limiting the access to and the appeal of alcohol to underage persons
In this new media culture, youth are more than just consumers of digital content; they are also active participants and creators, developing content, debating and interacting with others, and taking action -- even launching their own initiatives and organizations