Some basic information targetted at parents
US federal government grants for establishing runaway and homeless youth services |
A good starting point for basic information on runaways, from Covenant House
This project reviews available literature and conducts secondary analyses to examine the sexual abuse experiences of runaway youth, particularly experiences that occur prior to the youths' leaving home
Provides access to immediate help and supportive resources for young people in crisis through a network of over 9,126 sites sustained by qualified agencies, trained volunteers, and businesses in 32 states
A confidential hotline for runaway youth, teens in crisis, and concerned friends and family members. All services are free and available 24 hours every day
A guide to the US Family and Youth Services Bureau runaway and homeless youth programs
This White Paper, although not an exhaustive review of all of the issues, highlights the most important problems of this population from an international and national perspective. It classifies them, discusses their health and social needs including barriers to health care, describes some models for their care, and presents recommendations for improving services and outcomes
This article presents interesting information about what 12 formerly runaway or homeless youth say they learned about moving successfully toward adulthood, and what types of help and helpers had been most effective
Menstuff® has compiled information and support for teenage runaways and their parents or legal guardians..