Acquaintance/Date Rape | Gangs | Sexual Abuse and Assault |
Violence - General Information | Violence Prevention |
The ABC's of Learning A true story of bullying and its effects on a young person's life | Bullying. No Way! Provides a nationwide resource of State and Territory approaches to minimising bullying, harassment and violence in schools; develops a framework for sharing Australian school community solutions that work; uses technology and networks to make this information as accessible as possible to school communities; makes sure that all students can learn in a safe and supportive school environment |
Schools: Bullying Links to bullying resources from the BBC | Youngsters Targeted by Digital Bullies More than one in four youngsters in the UK has been threatened via their computers or mobile phones, according to a survey. Children's charity NCH, which commissioned the research, now wants young people to be taught how to deal with 21st-Century bullying techniques |
Take Action Against Bullying Teachers, students, support staff, parents and administrators need to work as a team to take action against bullying. This site has information about bullying as well as resources for sale and workshops | Bullying at School Information Advice and suggestions for students, parents, teachers and schools from the Scottish Council for Research in Education |
High School Hazing Incident - A Conferencing Case Study An description of one community's response to the issue of violence, bullying and hazing | Bully Sandpit Resources from Child and Adolescent Psychological and Educational Resources (CAPER), an Australian group |
School Bully Online Insight and information on school bullying and child bullying | bullying in schools and what to do about it These pages will inform you of what educationalists and researchers have discovered in the last few years about bullying and harassment and the practical suggestions that are now being made to overcome this age-old and troublesome problem |
Bullying Behavior: Blame It On Bad Genes? A report on a study which found that aggressive antisocial behavior is more likely to be inherited than are non-aggressive antisocial behaviors like delinquency, truancy, theft -- except among girls | LaMarsh Centre for Research on Violence and Conflict Resolution Information, recommendations and fact sheets from LaMarsh Centre research and links to other sites with related information |
Peer groups influence early adolescent bullying behavior Through surveys at a Midwestern middle school, conducted early and late in the academic year, lead investigator Dorothy Espelage found that kids who hang out with peers who bully, both boys and girls, tend to do more bullying themselves. | Anti-Bullying Network Schools, and the communities of which they are a part, are working together to improve the ways in which they care for young people, encourage better behaviour and foster good relationships. Action against bullying is part of this work |
Maine Project Against Bullying This web page will keep the reader informed of our efforts to impact the issue of bullying in Maine schools and provide links to other resources relevant to this issue | A collaborative attempt to help young people help each other |
Take A Stand, Lend A Hand, Stop Bullying Now For many years, bullying has been treated as a rite of passage - an undesirable, but sometimes unavoidable, reality of growing up. This is far from the truth. Bullying is a serious public health issue that affects countless young people everyday. Further, research shows that the effects of bullying can last well into adulthood. Whether you are a concerned parent, an educator or school employee, a health and safety professional, or someone else who works with children, there are many things you can do to help | Bullying Online A UK charity helping parents and children deal with school bullying. There is a wealth of information on the website and personal advice is given by email |
What's Bullying Information and helpful tips for young people |
![]() Fist Stick Knife Gun: A Personal History of Violence in America by Geoffrey Canada Suburban Gangs: The Affluent Rebels by Dan Korem Always Running: La Vida Loca: Gang Days in L.A. by Luis Rodriguez Bullying at School : What We Know and What We Can Do (Understanding Children's Worlds) by Dan Olweus Taking the Bully By The Horns by Jay Carter (Editor), Kathy Noll, Flora Cusimano |