Deaf Youth |
Great Transitions: Preparing Adolescents for a New Century The final report of the ten year study by the Carnegie Council on Adolescence | Adolescence: Change and Continuity This website provides an introduction to some of the developmental changes that shape our lives between puberty and the end of college. Although each life unfolds in its own unique pattern, this site provides information about basic changes, settings, and issues that are particular to the teenage years |
Adolescent Growth and Development Created by Andrews University | Parenting Today's Teens Resources, insight and support for those who live with or work with teens |
Political Interest and Engagement Among Young People The results of a qualitative study carried out by the National Centre for Social Research that explored in detail the nature of young people's political interests and behaviour. It consulted a cross-section of young people, aged between 14 and 24, from a range of backgrounds and circumstances in Britain | The Opportunity of Adolescence As a result of all his education from everything he sees and hears around him, the child absorbs such a lot of lies and foolish nonsense, mixed in with essential truths, that the first duty of the adolescent who wants to be healthy is to disgorge it all |
Stanford Center on Adolescence The center aims to promote the character and competence of all young people growing up in today's world. It's work provides guidance for parenting, for improved educational practice, and for youth development in a wide variety of community settingsres tick, is it an idea or thought, or are they just a party culture? |
Normal Adolescent Development: Middle School and Early High School Years
Normal Adolescent Development: Late High School Years and Beyond From the Facts For Families series of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |
Claiming the Future Adolescence has long been viewed as a distinct stage of life in the industrialized world. Now it is also emerging as a key interval between childhood and adulthood in the developing countries | Puberty 101 Straightforward information and a message board for questions and answers |
Bright Futures: Adolescence Developmental information for health professionals | The Ups & Downs of Adolescence A newsletter about and for young people, parents, and all concerned adults |
Girls' CoalitionA consortium of Boston-area organizations that work to support girls' healthy development through programs and services, research, and advocacy. The Coalition serves as a clearinghouse about girl matters | Adolescence A research information site promoted and organised by the World Federation and Society of Adolescentology, European Section,-WFSA Europe- with the sponsorship of the Adolescentology Dept. of Ambrosiana University of Milan |
Your Turn: Where Kids Do The Talking Court TV's public service program that works jointly with local cable affiliates throughout the country to bring teenagers and community leaders together to discuss a legal or social issue of particular significance to their community and the national television audience | Bashing Youth: Media Myths About Teenagers Like traditional stereotypes, the modern media teenager is a distorted image, derived from the dire fictions promoted by official agencies and interest groups |
Center for Adolescent and Family Studies A research center in the School of Education at Indiana University. Through community-based research projects and collaborations with other universities, CAFS identifies and disseminates information regarding the effective treatment of at-risk adolescents and their families. CAFS is a resource to practitioners, teachers, and families by providing information through this website, professional papers, presentations, and other print media. | Adolescence and Peer Pressure The peer group is a source of affection, sympathy and understanding; a place for experimentation; and a supportive setting for achieving the two primary developmental tasks of adolescence identity and autonomy |
National Study of Youth and Religion This research examines data from three national surveys of U.S. youth ages 13 through 18 and describes adolescent religious affiliation, religious service attendance and involvement in religious youth groups | Transitions to Adulthood This program of research focuses on adolescent reproductive behavior as well as on schooling and livelihoods |
The State of Our Nation's Youth 2005 Analyzes the varying types and levels of family and peer support American youth receive, their outlook on numerous issues from education to social attitudes, and what these students see as the biggest obstacles in their lives as opposed to obstacles perceived by adults and educators | Trust for the Study of Adolescence TSA was founded in 1989 to help improve the lives of young people and families. Its work is derived from the belief that there is a lack of knowledge and understanding about adolescence and young adulthood |
Three Political Myths About Young People These myths - ‘young people are apathetic community members’, ‘young people are deviant and do not conform with social norms of behaviour’, and ‘young people depend too much on technology’ all label young people as a community problem that needs to be fixed | Adolescence News and information about UNICEF's involvement with youth |
Neighborhoods and Adolescent Development: How Can We Determine the Links? This paper provides an assessment of the conceptual and, especially, methodological issues involved as well as guidance on the most promising research designs for obtaining an unbiased understanding of the nature of neighborhood effects |
![]() The African-American Teenagers Guide to Personal Growth, Health, Safety, Sex and Survival : Living and Learning in the 21st Century by Debra Harris-Johnson, Yvonne Rose, Leland Johnson Jr |