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Health Services Game: Directions and Characters

Here are the directions and the character profiles for the Health Services game. The cover and the playing board are in a separate file at http://www.youthwork.com/games/healthgame/healthboard.doc.

I have used this game in teaching both youth and adults about the social services available locally for people with needs related to health issues. It is almost always a hit and creates great discussions about the strengths, weaknesses and inequities in the health care system. Please feel free to use it and modify it to meet your needs. I would appreciate a mention of Youthwork Links and Ideas (http://www.youthwork.com), but it is not required.

I recommend that you print these directions separately and that you print the character profiles as one page each. To do this highlight the text you want to print, click on print in your file menu, and then choose the "Print Selection" option. If your printer does not give you a "Print Selection" option, or something similar, select the text and copy it, then open your word processor and paste the text into a new document. You can then print as you usually do.

Health Services Game: Directions

Time Needed; Approximately 45 minutes for 6 players

Materials Needed: Prior to the Game Game Rules
Once you have the preparation done, this is a simple game which follows the rules of most board games.
  1. Each person chooses a character to portray.
  2. Players, in turn, throw the die and move their marker to the space determined by the throw.
  3. If a player lands on an agency/organization space, and she needs the service provided by that agency, she may take the treat and check off that need on her character sheet. The other players must agree that the agency does indeed provide the service. Players can not "abuse the system".
  4. If all the treats are gone from an agency space, resources are depleted and no service is provided.
  5. If a player lands on any space other than an agency, she must follow the directions.
  6. When a player has met all the needs of her character, she advances to the center of the board and must decide whether to take all the treats for herself or to share them with other players.
Some Processing Questions:

Health Services Game: Characters


Joe is a 78 year old man with diabetes and failing eyesight. His wife recently died and he is having difficulty taking care of himself.

Joe’s needs are:
Transportation to appointments

Assistance with his insulin shots

Companionship and support

Assistance with housekeeping

Financial help for medications and treatment not covered by Medicaid

Nutritious, balanced meals


Ken is 47 years old and is recovering from a serious heart attack .

Ken’s needs are:
A supervised exercise program

Financial assistance for his family while he is out of work

Education about a healthy life style

Psychological counseling for depression

Temporary help for his mother’s house repairs now that he cannot do heavy work

Daily monitoring of his physical condition


Kim is 4 years old. She was severely burned in a house fire and is now ready to be released from the hospital. Her parent’s are still hospitalized with injuries from the fire.

Kim’s needs are:
A place to live

Physical rehabilitation

Socialization with other children which respects her limited mobility

Counseling to deal with the trauma of the fire and the injuries

Financial assistance for a long series of plastic surgeries

Transportation to medical appointments and to visit her parents


Sally is 55 years old and has recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.

Sally’s needs are:
Education about Parkinson’s Disease

Financial assistance for medication

Training for a job she is physically able to do, since she had to quit her factory job

Income while training for a new job

Assistance with daily living activities on days when she is not able to do them

Emotional support


Scott is 18 years old and is recovering from hepatitis. He is about to be released from the hospital and he was homeless prior to being hospitalized.

Scott’s needs are:
Financial assistance for his medical bills

A place to live and a way to pay for it


A job or job training

Help for drug addiction

Education in independent living skills


Sue is 28 years old and has recently been diagnosed with cancer .

Sue’s needs are:
Child care while she is undergoing treatment

Financial assistance for medical expenses

Emotional support

Household assistance while she is undergoing treatment

An immediate need for food for her family

Help for her 7 year old child who has become withdrawn after her hospitalization