Active Listening:
An Interactive Learning Experience

Mr. Parker is 78 years old, widowed and retired. He is living alone in the house he and his wife lived in for 50 years. He has two sons and a daughter who live out of town. He has been referred to a counselor because he feels abandoned by his children since the loss of his wife.

Select your Active Listening response from the 3 given below.

Things don't always have to go your way.
Get on with your life and stop feeling sorry for yourself.
You are feeling depressed because your children don't come to see you as often as you would like or write to you. You think they don't care.













Your response was: "Things don't always have to go your way."

This response does not use the skill of Active Listening

It was not active listening because it showed no empathy for his feelings.

Return to Mr. Parker
Try Another Character













Your response was: "Get on with your life and stop feeling sorry for yourself."

This response does not use the skill of Active Listening

This response does not help the situation and may stop him from opening up to the counselor.

Return to Mr. Parker
Try Another Character













Your response was: "You are feeling depressed because your children don't come to see you as often as you would like or write to you. You think they don't care."

This response shows that you understand the feelings of the client and his situation.

Return to Mr. Parker
Try Another Character